How a Jakarta Bank reduced deployment time by 66% by streamlining software delivery with modern practices

A leading commercial bank in Jakarta partnered with Greyamp Consulting to embark on a transformative journey to overhaul their traditional software development methods. Greyamp facilitated the bank's aim to enhance efficiency, foster innovation, and streamline the software development lifecycle. Existing processes, plagued by inefficient source code management and lengthy cycle times, hindered delivery teams and impeding overall progress.

These are  the challenges that we were facing

Prolonged merge times
Developers' reliance on local copies of the source code and long-lived branches lead to large, complex merges. This causes merge delays and increases the probability of merge conflicts.
Schema Conflicts and Collisions
Direct changes to the schema during development caused conflicts and collisions, introducing complexities and hindering smooth database evolution.
Integration Testing Issues
Delayed merging of changes and a lack of an continuous delivery approach resulted in trivial bugs emerging during later-stage integration testing, disrupting the stability of the staging environment.
Audit Trail Deficiency and Schema Rigidity
Developers lacked a focus on data availability for troubleshooting future production errors. The absence of audit trails, data loss over time, and inflexible schema limited adaptability and responsiveness to evolving business needs.

To address these challenges, we recommended and enabled the bank to implement a series of solutions

Enhanced Development Workflow
Trunk-based development was adopted, designating a single "trunk" branch as the source of truth and streamlining the development process.
Continuous Delivery Optimization
Bug-fix branches were created to address issues, ensuring a seamless continuous delivery cycle for reliable and efficient software deployment.
Efficient  Schema Management
Liquibase was introduced for schema migration, providing a flexible solution to effectively manage frequent database structure changes. Additionally, robust unit tests were written using the Mockito framework.
Comprehensive Change Tracking
The team was encouraged to maintain detailed and systematic change-logs for all schema changes, ensuring transparency and auditability.

The implemented solutions yielded significant improvements

Single Source of Truth: Trunk-based development reduced maintenance overhead and improved collaboration within the 12-member team. Merging time was reduced by 70-80%, and the number of bugs encountered in integration tests decreased by 30% sprint-on-sprint.
New tools and practices: Recommendations were made for tools and practices supporting improved audit trails, database schema evolution, and enhanced code quality through unit testing frameworks integrated into the continuous delivery pipeline.
Continuous Delivery Practices: Adoption of continuous delivery practices reduced deployment cycle time from 9 months to 3 months.
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