
Crowdstruck - Some things to think about

A few thoughts on the global crowdstrike related outages, and what organisations can do in terms of making their software systems more resilient
8 min read

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How Digital Transformation Is Shaping Indonesian Banking Finance And Insurance Sector

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consetetur Sadipscing Elitr, Sed Diam Nonumy Eirmod Tempor Invidunt Ut Labore

How Digital Transformation Is Shaping Indonesian Banking Finance And Insurance Sector

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consetetur Sadipscing Elitr, Sed Diam Nonumy Eirmod Tempor Invidunt Ut Labore

How Digital Transformation Is Shaping Indonesian Banking Finance And Insurance Sector

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consetetur Sadipscing Elitr, Sed Diam Nonumy Eirmod Tempor Invidunt Ut Labore
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