How an Indonesian BFSI enterprise achieved cost savings and enhanced agility by streamlining cloud migration and FinOps practices

This case study explores how Greyamp Consulting enabled a leading Indonesia-based BFSI enterprise to successfully migrate its servers, applications, and databases to Amazon Web Services (AWS) leveraging modern DevOps practices. By utilizing AWS Database Migration Service and various automation tools, Greyamp successfully guided the enterprise in achieving increased agility, scalability, and cost savings through infrastructure optimization and FinOps strategies.

These are  the challenges that we were facing

Seamless App Migration
Migrating 40+ applications and databases from the on-premises data center to the cloud environment
Uninterrupted Business Transition
Ensuring a smooth and efficient transition without disrupting business operations
Efficient Cloud Resource Management
Managing and optimizing cloud resources and costs effectively
Optimized Cloud Environment
Achieving agility, scalability, and cost efficiency in the cloud environment

To address these challenges, we recommended and enabled the bank to implement a series of solutions

AWS-Powered Migration & Team Collaboration
Seamless cloud migration using AWS Database Migration Service and collaboration with application development teams
Streamlined Infrastructure Automation
Infrastructure automation using Terraform, Ansible, Packer, and other DevOps tools to streamline cloud resource deployment and management
Cloud Cost Optimization
Implementing FinOps practices like right-sizing EC2, RDS instances, identifying unused resources, and auto-stopping non-production environments to optimize costs

The implemented solutions yielded significant improvements

FinOps Savings: Potential savings of €0.5 million through FinOps practices for optimized cloud spending and cost transparency
Increased Agility and Scalability: Migration to AWS enabled rapid deployment and adjustments based on business needs Improved resource utilization and faster time-to-market for new products and services
Cost Efficiency: Reduced capital expenditures associated with data center maintenance. Variable operational costs allowed for greater control over spending and scaling resources as needed
Enhanced Business Continuity: Improved disaster recovery capabilities with data and applications protected and accessible in case of outages.
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