A Step-by-Step Guide for Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) to Gain CFO Buy-in


Digital transformation is a key driver of growth and innovation in the BFSI sector. However, as Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) in theBFSI sector, one of the key challenges we face is gaining buy-in from our ChiefFinancial Officers (CFOs) for large digital transformation initiatives. CFOs are often focused on financial risks and return on investment, and may not fully understand the benefits that digital transformation can bring. In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step guide for CDOs looking to gain CFO buy-in for digital transformation initiatives, using metrics and data as a key element of the narrative.


Understand the CFO's perspective

Before you can gain buy-in from a CFO, it is important to understand their perspective. Being the custodian of the financial health of the organization, CFOs are often focused on financial risks and return on investment, and may not fully understand the benefits that digital transformation can bring. It is important to take the time to understand theCFO's concerns and priorities, and to provide information that addresses those concerns. One way to do this is by using data and metrics to demonstrate the current financial performance of the organization and how digital transformation can improve it. For example, you can use metrics such as customer acquisition cost and lifetime value to demonstrate how digital transformation can improve customer acquisition and retention. Additionally, you can use metrics such as operational efficiency and employee productivity to demonstrate cost savings and improved performance. It is also important to understand the CFO's strategic priorities, such as their focus on growth, innovation and risk management. By understanding these priorities, CDOs can align the digital transformation initiatives with the CFO's priorities and demonstrate the strategic value of the initiatives.

Communicate the benefits of digital transformation

One of the most important steps in gaining buy-in from a CFO is to clearly communicate the benefits of digital transformation. This includes both the financial benefits, such as cost savings and revenue growth, as well as the strategic benefits, such as improved customer experience and increased competitiveness. To communicate the benefits of digital transformation, it is essential to use metrics and data that demonstrate the potential impact of the initiative. For example, you can use metrics such as customer satisfaction andNet Promoter Score to demonstrate the potential improvement in customer experience, or use metrics such as operational efficiency and employee productivity to demonstrate cost savings and improved performance. By communicating the benefits of digital transformation in a clear and data-driven manner, CDOs can provide CFOs with the information they need to make informed decisions about the initiative.

Address concerns about risks and costs

CFOs are often concerned about the costs and risks associated with digital transformation. It is important to address these concerns head-on and provide information that demonstrates how the benefits of digital transformation outweigh the costs and risks. One way to do this is by using data and metrics to demonstrate the potential return on investment (ROI) of the initiative. For example, you can use metrics such as cost of goods sold and gross margin to demonstrate how digital transformation can improve financial performance and justify the costs of the initiative. Additionally, you can use metrics such as cyber risk and data privacy to demonstrate how the initiative will address potential risks and improve overall security. By addressing concerns about risks and costs, CDOs can provide CFOs with the reassurance they need to support the initiative.


Show the CFO how digital transformation aligns with the company's goals

CFOs are often more likely to support initiatives that align with the company's overall goals and objectives. It is important to show theCFO how digital transformation aligns with the company's goals and how it will support the company's overall strategy. One way to do this is by using data and metrics to demonstrate how digital transformation can support key business objectives. For example, you can use metrics such as customer lifetime value and retention rate to demonstrate how digital transformation can improve customer acquisition and retention, or use metrics such as market share and revenue growth to demonstrate how digital transformation can improve competitiveness and financial performance. By demonstrating how digital transformation aligns with the company's goals, CDOs can provide CFOs with the information they need to understand the strategic value of the initiative.


Identifying potential cost savings

Identifying potential cost savings is another key way to gain buy-in from a CFO for digital transformation initiatives. CDOs can use data and metrics to demonstrate how digital transformation can lead to cost savings in areas such as operational efficiency, employee productivity, and customer acquisition. For example, CDOs can use metrics such as automation rates and time-to-market to demonstrate how digital transformation can lead to increased efficiency and reduced costs. Additionally, CDOs can use metrics such as customer lifetime value and retention rate to demonstrate how digital transformation can lead to improved customer acquisition and retention ,resulting in cost savings over time.



One way to gain buy-in from a CFO is to demonstrate how the organization's current performance compares to industry benchmarks and best practices. By providing data and metrics that show how the organization is performing compared to peers, CDOs can demonstrate the need for digital transformation and the potential for improvement. This can be done by benchmarking the organization's performance against industry averages for key metrics such as customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and revenue growth.Additionally, CDOs can benchmark the organization's performance against best practices in the industry to identify areas where the organization can improve.By providing this data and metrics, CDOs can demonstrate to CFOs the potential for improvement and the need for digital transformation to achieve it.


Propose a phased approach

Proposing a phased approach to digital transformation can bean effective way to gain buy-in from CFOs. This approach allows CFOs to see the progress of the initiative and evaluate the results before committing to the next phase. By breaking the initiative into smaller, manageable chunks, CFOscan feel more comfortable with the level of risk involved and have a better understanding of the potential return on investment. CDOs can present a clear roadmap of each phase, including objectives, timelines, and expected outcomes. This approach also allows for flexibility and the ability to make adjustments as needed, making it a more strategic and less risky investment for the organization.However, it's important to note that the results of each phase will be closely monitored and evaluated, and if the initiative is not showing the expected results, it's important to have a plan in place to address any issues and make necessary adjustments. Additionally, it's important to communicate to the CFO that it's not a "all or nothing" approach, but rather a gradual progress that allows for the organization to learn and adapt as the initiative progresses. It's also important to highlight that the approach allows the organization to start realising the benefits of digital transformation early on, rather than waiting for the entire initiative to be completed.


Creating a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can be an effective way to gain buy-in from a CFO for digital transformation initiatives. By highlighting the potential consequences of not implementing digital transformation, such as lost market share, increased competition, and reduced efficiency, CDOs can demonstrate the need for immediate action. Additionally, CDOs can use data and metrics to demonstrate how digital transformation can help the organization to stay ahead of market trends and stay competitive in the industry. By creating a sense of urgency and highlighting the potential risks of not implementing digital transformation, CDOs can provide CFOs with the motivation they need to support the initiative.


Proving the scalability of the solution

Scalability is an important factor that CFOs consider when evaluating digital transformation initiatives. CDOs can prove the scalability of their proposed solution by providing data and metrics that demonstrate how the solution can be scaled up or down to meet the changing needs of the organization. This includes providing information on the scalability of the technology platform, as well as the scalability of the organization's internal processes and teams. By providing this information, CDOs can demonstrate toCFOs that the proposed solution can be scaled up or down to meet the organization's changing needs, making it a viable long-term investment.


Involve the CFO in the planning process

Involving the CFO in the planning process is key to gain buy-in for digital transformation initiatives. It helps CFOs to understand the initiative, potential risks, and benefits. Building trust and shared ownership through regular updates and involving them in key decision-making such as budgeting and risk management also helps. It is a powerful way to ensure that the initiative aligns with the company's overall goals and objectives and to show the CFO how digital transformation supports the company's strategy.Additionally, this approach helps the CFO to feel more invested in the initiative, making them more likely to support it. It is important to remember that the CFO is a key stakeholder and their buy-in is essential for the success of the initiative.


Continuously monitoring and reporting progress

Finally, CDOs can gain buy-in from CFOs by continuously monitoring and reporting progress on the digital transformation initiative.This includes providing regular updates on the progress of the initiative, as well as providing data and metrics that demonstrate the impact of the initiative on the organization's performance. By providing this information,CDOs can demonstrate to CFOs that the initiative is making a positive impact and that the investment is paying off. Additionally, continuous monitoring and reporting can help to identify any potential issues or challenges that may arise during the implementation process, allowing CDOs to address them quickly and effectively.


Conclusion: In conclusion, gaining buy-in from CFOs for digital transformation initiatives can be a challenging task for CDOs in the BFSI sector. However, by following the steps outlined in this blog post, CDOs can increase their chances of success. By understanding the CFO's perspective, communicating the benefits of digital transformation, addressing concerns about risks and costs, and showing the CFO how digital transformation aligns with the company's goals,CDOs can provide CFOs with the information they need to make informed decisions about the initiative. Additionally, involving the CFO in the planning process, proposing a phased approach, and benchmarking the organization's performance against industry standards can help to build trust and create a sense of shared ownership. By following these steps, CDOs can increase the chances of gaining buy-in from CFOs for digital transformation initiatives and drive growth and innovation in the BFSI sector.

Digital Transformation
A Step-by-Step Guide for Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) to Gain CFO Buy-in


Digital transformation is a key driver of growth and innovation in the BFSI sector. However, as Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) in theBFSI sector, one of the key challenges we face is gaining buy-in from our ChiefFinancial Officers (CFOs) for large digital transformation initiatives. CFOs are often focused on financial risks and return on investment, and may not fully understand the benefits that digital transformation can bring. In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step guide for CDOs looking to gain CFO buy-in for digital transformation initiatives, using metrics and data as a key element of the narrative.


Understand the CFO's perspective

Before you can gain buy-in from a CFO, it is important to understand their perspective. Being the custodian of the financial health of the organization, CFOs are often focused on financial risks and return on investment, and may not fully understand the benefits that digital transformation can bring. It is important to take the time to understand theCFO's concerns and priorities, and to provide information that addresses those concerns. One way to do this is by using data and metrics to demonstrate the current financial performance of the organization and how digital transformation can improve it. For example, you can use metrics such as customer acquisition cost and lifetime value to demonstrate how digital transformation can improve customer acquisition and retention. Additionally, you can use metrics such as operational efficiency and employee productivity to demonstrate cost savings and improved performance. It is also important to understand the CFO's strategic priorities, such as their focus on growth, innovation and risk management. By understanding these priorities, CDOs can align the digital transformation initiatives with the CFO's priorities and demonstrate the strategic value of the initiatives.

Communicate the benefits of digital transformation

One of the most important steps in gaining buy-in from a CFO is to clearly communicate the benefits of digital transformation. This includes both the financial benefits, such as cost savings and revenue growth, as well as the strategic benefits, such as improved customer experience and increased competitiveness. To communicate the benefits of digital transformation, it is essential to use metrics and data that demonstrate the potential impact of the initiative. For example, you can use metrics such as customer satisfaction andNet Promoter Score to demonstrate the potential improvement in customer experience, or use metrics such as operational efficiency and employee productivity to demonstrate cost savings and improved performance. By communicating the benefits of digital transformation in a clear and data-driven manner, CDOs can provide CFOs with the information they need to make informed decisions about the initiative.

Address concerns about risks and costs

CFOs are often concerned about the costs and risks associated with digital transformation. It is important to address these concerns head-on and provide information that demonstrates how the benefits of digital transformation outweigh the costs and risks. One way to do this is by using data and metrics to demonstrate the potential return on investment (ROI) of the initiative. For example, you can use metrics such as cost of goods sold and gross margin to demonstrate how digital transformation can improve financial performance and justify the costs of the initiative. Additionally, you can use metrics such as cyber risk and data privacy to demonstrate how the initiative will address potential risks and improve overall security. By addressing concerns about risks and costs, CDOs can provide CFOs with the reassurance they need to support the initiative.


Show the CFO how digital transformation aligns with the company's goals

CFOs are often more likely to support initiatives that align with the company's overall goals and objectives. It is important to show theCFO how digital transformation aligns with the company's goals and how it will support the company's overall strategy. One way to do this is by using data and metrics to demonstrate how digital transformation can support key business objectives. For example, you can use metrics such as customer lifetime value and retention rate to demonstrate how digital transformation can improve customer acquisition and retention, or use metrics such as market share and revenue growth to demonstrate how digital transformation can improve competitiveness and financial performance. By demonstrating how digital transformation aligns with the company's goals, CDOs can provide CFOs with the information they need to understand the strategic value of the initiative.


Identifying potential cost savings

Identifying potential cost savings is another key way to gain buy-in from a CFO for digital transformation initiatives. CDOs can use data and metrics to demonstrate how digital transformation can lead to cost savings in areas such as operational efficiency, employee productivity, and customer acquisition. For example, CDOs can use metrics such as automation rates and time-to-market to demonstrate how digital transformation can lead to increased efficiency and reduced costs. Additionally, CDOs can use metrics such as customer lifetime value and retention rate to demonstrate how digital transformation can lead to improved customer acquisition and retention ,resulting in cost savings over time.



One way to gain buy-in from a CFO is to demonstrate how the organization's current performance compares to industry benchmarks and best practices. By providing data and metrics that show how the organization is performing compared to peers, CDOs can demonstrate the need for digital transformation and the potential for improvement. This can be done by benchmarking the organization's performance against industry averages for key metrics such as customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and revenue growth.Additionally, CDOs can benchmark the organization's performance against best practices in the industry to identify areas where the organization can improve.By providing this data and metrics, CDOs can demonstrate to CFOs the potential for improvement and the need for digital transformation to achieve it.


Propose a phased approach

Proposing a phased approach to digital transformation can bean effective way to gain buy-in from CFOs. This approach allows CFOs to see the progress of the initiative and evaluate the results before committing to the next phase. By breaking the initiative into smaller, manageable chunks, CFOscan feel more comfortable with the level of risk involved and have a better understanding of the potential return on investment. CDOs can present a clear roadmap of each phase, including objectives, timelines, and expected outcomes. This approach also allows for flexibility and the ability to make adjustments as needed, making it a more strategic and less risky investment for the organization.However, it's important to note that the results of each phase will be closely monitored and evaluated, and if the initiative is not showing the expected results, it's important to have a plan in place to address any issues and make necessary adjustments. Additionally, it's important to communicate to the CFO that it's not a "all or nothing" approach, but rather a gradual progress that allows for the organization to learn and adapt as the initiative progresses. It's also important to highlight that the approach allows the organization to start realising the benefits of digital transformation early on, rather than waiting for the entire initiative to be completed.


Creating a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can be an effective way to gain buy-in from a CFO for digital transformation initiatives. By highlighting the potential consequences of not implementing digital transformation, such as lost market share, increased competition, and reduced efficiency, CDOs can demonstrate the need for immediate action. Additionally, CDOs can use data and metrics to demonstrate how digital transformation can help the organization to stay ahead of market trends and stay competitive in the industry. By creating a sense of urgency and highlighting the potential risks of not implementing digital transformation, CDOs can provide CFOs with the motivation they need to support the initiative.


Proving the scalability of the solution

Scalability is an important factor that CFOs consider when evaluating digital transformation initiatives. CDOs can prove the scalability of their proposed solution by providing data and metrics that demonstrate how the solution can be scaled up or down to meet the changing needs of the organization. This includes providing information on the scalability of the technology platform, as well as the scalability of the organization's internal processes and teams. By providing this information, CDOs can demonstrate toCFOs that the proposed solution can be scaled up or down to meet the organization's changing needs, making it a viable long-term investment.


Involve the CFO in the planning process

Involving the CFO in the planning process is key to gain buy-in for digital transformation initiatives. It helps CFOs to understand the initiative, potential risks, and benefits. Building trust and shared ownership through regular updates and involving them in key decision-making such as budgeting and risk management also helps. It is a powerful way to ensure that the initiative aligns with the company's overall goals and objectives and to show the CFO how digital transformation supports the company's strategy.Additionally, this approach helps the CFO to feel more invested in the initiative, making them more likely to support it. It is important to remember that the CFO is a key stakeholder and their buy-in is essential for the success of the initiative.


Continuously monitoring and reporting progress

Finally, CDOs can gain buy-in from CFOs by continuously monitoring and reporting progress on the digital transformation initiative.This includes providing regular updates on the progress of the initiative, as well as providing data and metrics that demonstrate the impact of the initiative on the organization's performance. By providing this information,CDOs can demonstrate to CFOs that the initiative is making a positive impact and that the investment is paying off. Additionally, continuous monitoring and reporting can help to identify any potential issues or challenges that may arise during the implementation process, allowing CDOs to address them quickly and effectively.


Conclusion: In conclusion, gaining buy-in from CFOs for digital transformation initiatives can be a challenging task for CDOs in the BFSI sector. However, by following the steps outlined in this blog post, CDOs can increase their chances of success. By understanding the CFO's perspective, communicating the benefits of digital transformation, addressing concerns about risks and costs, and showing the CFO how digital transformation aligns with the company's goals,CDOs can provide CFOs with the information they need to make informed decisions about the initiative. Additionally, involving the CFO in the planning process, proposing a phased approach, and benchmarking the organization's performance against industry standards can help to build trust and create a sense of shared ownership. By following these steps, CDOs can increase the chances of gaining buy-in from CFOs for digital transformation initiatives and drive growth and innovation in the BFSI sector.

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A Step-by-Step Guide for Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) to Gain CFO Buy-in

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January 30, 2023

7 min read

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A Step-by-Step Guide for Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) to Gain CFO Buy-in


Digital transformation is a key driver of growth and innovation in the BFSI sector. However, as Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) in theBFSI sector, one of the key challenges we face is gaining buy-in from our ChiefFinancial Officers (CFOs) for large digital transformation initiatives. CFOs are often focused on financial risks and return on investment, and may not fully understand the benefits that digital transformation can bring. In this blog post, we will provide a step-by-step guide for CDOs looking to gain CFO buy-in for digital transformation initiatives, using metrics and data as a key element of the narrative.


Understand the CFO's perspective

Before you can gain buy-in from a CFO, it is important to understand their perspective. Being the custodian of the financial health of the organization, CFOs are often focused on financial risks and return on investment, and may not fully understand the benefits that digital transformation can bring. It is important to take the time to understand theCFO's concerns and priorities, and to provide information that addresses those concerns. One way to do this is by using data and metrics to demonstrate the current financial performance of the organization and how digital transformation can improve it. For example, you can use metrics such as customer acquisition cost and lifetime value to demonstrate how digital transformation can improve customer acquisition and retention. Additionally, you can use metrics such as operational efficiency and employee productivity to demonstrate cost savings and improved performance. It is also important to understand the CFO's strategic priorities, such as their focus on growth, innovation and risk management. By understanding these priorities, CDOs can align the digital transformation initiatives with the CFO's priorities and demonstrate the strategic value of the initiatives.

Communicate the benefits of digital transformation

One of the most important steps in gaining buy-in from a CFO is to clearly communicate the benefits of digital transformation. This includes both the financial benefits, such as cost savings and revenue growth, as well as the strategic benefits, such as improved customer experience and increased competitiveness. To communicate the benefits of digital transformation, it is essential to use metrics and data that demonstrate the potential impact of the initiative. For example, you can use metrics such as customer satisfaction andNet Promoter Score to demonstrate the potential improvement in customer experience, or use metrics such as operational efficiency and employee productivity to demonstrate cost savings and improved performance. By communicating the benefits of digital transformation in a clear and data-driven manner, CDOs can provide CFOs with the information they need to make informed decisions about the initiative.

Address concerns about risks and costs

CFOs are often concerned about the costs and risks associated with digital transformation. It is important to address these concerns head-on and provide information that demonstrates how the benefits of digital transformation outweigh the costs and risks. One way to do this is by using data and metrics to demonstrate the potential return on investment (ROI) of the initiative. For example, you can use metrics such as cost of goods sold and gross margin to demonstrate how digital transformation can improve financial performance and justify the costs of the initiative. Additionally, you can use metrics such as cyber risk and data privacy to demonstrate how the initiative will address potential risks and improve overall security. By addressing concerns about risks and costs, CDOs can provide CFOs with the reassurance they need to support the initiative.


Show the CFO how digital transformation aligns with the company's goals

CFOs are often more likely to support initiatives that align with the company's overall goals and objectives. It is important to show theCFO how digital transformation aligns with the company's goals and how it will support the company's overall strategy. One way to do this is by using data and metrics to demonstrate how digital transformation can support key business objectives. For example, you can use metrics such as customer lifetime value and retention rate to demonstrate how digital transformation can improve customer acquisition and retention, or use metrics such as market share and revenue growth to demonstrate how digital transformation can improve competitiveness and financial performance. By demonstrating how digital transformation aligns with the company's goals, CDOs can provide CFOs with the information they need to understand the strategic value of the initiative.


Identifying potential cost savings

Identifying potential cost savings is another key way to gain buy-in from a CFO for digital transformation initiatives. CDOs can use data and metrics to demonstrate how digital transformation can lead to cost savings in areas such as operational efficiency, employee productivity, and customer acquisition. For example, CDOs can use metrics such as automation rates and time-to-market to demonstrate how digital transformation can lead to increased efficiency and reduced costs. Additionally, CDOs can use metrics such as customer lifetime value and retention rate to demonstrate how digital transformation can lead to improved customer acquisition and retention ,resulting in cost savings over time.



One way to gain buy-in from a CFO is to demonstrate how the organization's current performance compares to industry benchmarks and best practices. By providing data and metrics that show how the organization is performing compared to peers, CDOs can demonstrate the need for digital transformation and the potential for improvement. This can be done by benchmarking the organization's performance against industry averages for key metrics such as customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and revenue growth.Additionally, CDOs can benchmark the organization's performance against best practices in the industry to identify areas where the organization can improve.By providing this data and metrics, CDOs can demonstrate to CFOs the potential for improvement and the need for digital transformation to achieve it.


Propose a phased approach

Proposing a phased approach to digital transformation can bean effective way to gain buy-in from CFOs. This approach allows CFOs to see the progress of the initiative and evaluate the results before committing to the next phase. By breaking the initiative into smaller, manageable chunks, CFOscan feel more comfortable with the level of risk involved and have a better understanding of the potential return on investment. CDOs can present a clear roadmap of each phase, including objectives, timelines, and expected outcomes. This approach also allows for flexibility and the ability to make adjustments as needed, making it a more strategic and less risky investment for the organization.However, it's important to note that the results of each phase will be closely monitored and evaluated, and if the initiative is not showing the expected results, it's important to have a plan in place to address any issues and make necessary adjustments. Additionally, it's important to communicate to the CFO that it's not a "all or nothing" approach, but rather a gradual progress that allows for the organization to learn and adapt as the initiative progresses. It's also important to highlight that the approach allows the organization to start realising the benefits of digital transformation early on, rather than waiting for the entire initiative to be completed.


Creating a sense of urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can be an effective way to gain buy-in from a CFO for digital transformation initiatives. By highlighting the potential consequences of not implementing digital transformation, such as lost market share, increased competition, and reduced efficiency, CDOs can demonstrate the need for immediate action. Additionally, CDOs can use data and metrics to demonstrate how digital transformation can help the organization to stay ahead of market trends and stay competitive in the industry. By creating a sense of urgency and highlighting the potential risks of not implementing digital transformation, CDOs can provide CFOs with the motivation they need to support the initiative.


Proving the scalability of the solution

Scalability is an important factor that CFOs consider when evaluating digital transformation initiatives. CDOs can prove the scalability of their proposed solution by providing data and metrics that demonstrate how the solution can be scaled up or down to meet the changing needs of the organization. This includes providing information on the scalability of the technology platform, as well as the scalability of the organization's internal processes and teams. By providing this information, CDOs can demonstrate toCFOs that the proposed solution can be scaled up or down to meet the organization's changing needs, making it a viable long-term investment.


Involve the CFO in the planning process

Involving the CFO in the planning process is key to gain buy-in for digital transformation initiatives. It helps CFOs to understand the initiative, potential risks, and benefits. Building trust and shared ownership through regular updates and involving them in key decision-making such as budgeting and risk management also helps. It is a powerful way to ensure that the initiative aligns with the company's overall goals and objectives and to show the CFO how digital transformation supports the company's strategy.Additionally, this approach helps the CFO to feel more invested in the initiative, making them more likely to support it. It is important to remember that the CFO is a key stakeholder and their buy-in is essential for the success of the initiative.


Continuously monitoring and reporting progress

Finally, CDOs can gain buy-in from CFOs by continuously monitoring and reporting progress on the digital transformation initiative.This includes providing regular updates on the progress of the initiative, as well as providing data and metrics that demonstrate the impact of the initiative on the organization's performance. By providing this information,CDOs can demonstrate to CFOs that the initiative is making a positive impact and that the investment is paying off. Additionally, continuous monitoring and reporting can help to identify any potential issues or challenges that may arise during the implementation process, allowing CDOs to address them quickly and effectively.


Conclusion: In conclusion, gaining buy-in from CFOs for digital transformation initiatives can be a challenging task for CDOs in the BFSI sector. However, by following the steps outlined in this blog post, CDOs can increase their chances of success. By understanding the CFO's perspective, communicating the benefits of digital transformation, addressing concerns about risks and costs, and showing the CFO how digital transformation aligns with the company's goals,CDOs can provide CFOs with the information they need to make informed decisions about the initiative. Additionally, involving the CFO in the planning process, proposing a phased approach, and benchmarking the organization's performance against industry standards can help to build trust and create a sense of shared ownership. By following these steps, CDOs can increase the chances of gaining buy-in from CFOs for digital transformation initiatives and drive growth and innovation in the BFSI sector.

About Greyamp

Greyamp is a boutique Management Consulting firm that works with large enterprises to help them on their Digital Transformation journeys, going across the organisation, covering process, people, culture, and technology. Subscribe here to get our latest digital transformation insights.